Wednesday, January 6, 2010

National Business Register Plc Can Businesses Register On The National "Do Not Call" List?

Can businesses register on the national "Do Not Call" List? - national business register plc

I work for a small business. Between the phone and ask the people who go door to door selling things, I feel so much of my time is on people something that I try to sell not interested to be wasted

Can companies in the "Do Not Call" list, or simply for home phones and cell phones?

1 comment:

Peggy S said...

You can register for free telephone number and remains the national do-not-call list for five years. You can number in the list in the past five years are in force, and you can remove your number from the list at any time. This takes care of most of his symptoms, despite taking trades that were traditionally designed for private clients.

The Do-Not-Call Registry does not prevent all unwanted calls. It includes:

Calls from organizations with which you established a business relationship;

Request, you have given prior written consent;

other than commercial or non-calls are unsolicited advertisements;

Calls from or on behalf of tax-exempt nonprofit.

You can it at

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