Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Genital Shingles If You Have Had Shingles, Are You More Likely To Have Genital Herpes?

If you have had shingles, are you more likely to have genital herpes? - genital shingles

Shingles is caused due to reactivation of the virus (varicella-zoster), chickenpox. After recovering from chickenpox, the virus remains latent (dormant) in nerve roots. For some people it remains inactive for the rest of their lives. Weaken in other countries, the virus reactivates when disease, stress or aging of the immune system system.1 the cause for the reactivation of the virus is unclear, however, once activated, making shingles, and not another case of chickenpox. Most people with shingles do not get the disease again, although he did not come back in some people.

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