Sunday, December 6, 2009

Items Around House For Masterbation What "around The House" Items Sell Well On Ebay?

What "around the house" items sell well on ebay? - items around house for masterbation

Hello, I have on eBay for over a year and have been a monetary amount, even a Power Seller. but now I am totally at a loss, which sell for ideas. I've sold almost all the material I need, I think (cameras, DVDs, video games, consoles, computer parts, etc. ..) so if you say something about everything, I have already been sold. Soo, if anyone knows the quality of products for sale other real estate that possibally showed me around my house, please suggest.
I also know there are tons of wholesalers who are good out there? which are bad? and what is best for me? (in the best sense of makeing the most money, the cost-) price = profit. To begin, I will not buy very expensive things to wholesalers, if you could give us some examples, it would be great!
thank you very much, George

1 comment:

strawber... said...

seriously dude, I see people my old magazines, boxes of water, Diet Coke, nothing on the wall, even to sell copies of family photos.

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